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The MacuDopa Story

MacuDopa is more than just a supplement; it's a family endeavor born out of love and necessity. When Caryn, our co-director, was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson's, we united as a family to find a natural way to support her. This journey led us to develop MacuDopa, and now we're here to share it with you. From our hearts to yours - Filipa, Caryn and Max

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Company Mission

'To find a way to live well naturally with Parkinson's until there is a cure.'

Caryn's Story

"My diagnosis came as a huge shock.  I was young and had a brilliant challenging career in the global music industry."  

I was quite frankly devastated and unsure what to do. I turned to my brother, Max, for help.  He is a very experienced naturopathic functional medicine practitioner, and suggested that I try the Mucuna pruriens bean.  He said that this natural approach had a vast amount of empirical and scientific evidence to support its use. Mucuna supplies a natural form of Levodopa (L-Dopa). My neurologist, based at London’s leading neurological hospital, was supportive.

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Together with Caryn,
Max and Filipa complete the team


I have worked as a naturopathic functional medicine practitioner for over 40 years, practicing in both the UK and Australia...


I am an award-winning medical book editor with experience in product development from concept to market...

MacuDopa Max & Fil Tomlinson

What is BF¹² and whydo we add it?

BF12 is a specially formulated compound that provides essential nutrients that are proven to support the brain and nervous system. It enhances and supports the action of Mucuna.

It is formulated to contain vitamin B9 (folate) which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, vitamin B7 (biotin) which contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, and vitamin B12 which contributes to normal psychological function**.​

This makes MacuDopa a world leading supplement that contributes to the support of low dopamine conditions.

Contains Naturally Formulated B12
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** European Food Standards Agency approved health claims.



'Living well naturally with Parkinson's until there is a cure.'

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  • MacuDopa Twitter X Account

Email us:

Call or text us:  +44 (0) 7931 293 934 

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm UK time

​This website is for customers in the United States of America and worldwide ONLY. If you are a UK citizen looking to buy Macudopa please visit our UK site.
All the information included on this website is for information purposes only. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition, nor is it intended as a substitute for medical advice. We do not suggest using Mucuna pruriens to treat Parkinson's unless prescribed by your medical professional. If you are concerned about any symptoms please visit your doctor for investigation and diagnosis. For medical diagnosis and treatment please consult your specialist or doctor. The statements regarding Mucuna have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
© 2025 CogniBrain LTD. All rights reserved.
The content provided in connection with MacuDopa, including but not limited to text, product descriptions, research summaries, FAQs, and proprietary information regarding our Mucuna-based formulation, is protected under copyright law. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of any part of this content is prohibited without prior written permission from CogniBrain LTD. MacuDopa and related intellectual property are the sole property of CogniBrain LTD, and any infringement will be pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.
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